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Region 2 Nonpoint Source Watershed Based Plans

 The Association is pleased to provide the following Nonpoint Source EPA 9-Element Watershed Based Plans for the Big and Little Thompson, Middle South Platte, Cache la Poudre, St. Vrain Creek, and an overall Region 2 plan. Allowing agencies within the 208 Planning Region 2 to compete for funding assistance administered by CDPHE’s Nonpoint Source Program to support the implementation of control measures or best management practices that directly address nonpoint source pollution. These plans create proactive solutions since CDPHE’s nonpoint source program funding is incentivized and focuses on voluntary, nonregulatory actions. Creating a regional plan is a significant benefit for members who do not have to fund it themselves, as the association has 40 member agencies who may benefit from this project.  Any future public comments or edits received may be incorporated into the plans for accuracy.

The Association, membership, and other community stakeholder groups worked in partnership and coordination over three years to prepare a comprehensive Nonpoint Source (NPS) Watershed Plan for the Section 208 Region 2 area. This project focuses on NPSs and development outside the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) areas. The primary goal is identifying the most feasible and effective NPS management planning mechanisms for regions within the Middle South Platte River Watershed in Larimer and Weld Counties.  An overall Region 2 plan and four NPS Watershed-Based Plans were prepared. The watersheds addressed include the St. Vrain eight-digit Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC8) (10190005), the Big and Little Thompson HUC8 (10190006), the Cache la Poudre HUC8 (10190007), and a group of remaining HUC8s that drain to the Middle South Platte River within Larimer and Weld Counties (10190003, 10190008, 10190009, and 10190012). Each plan includes an introduction, watershed characterization, a summary of existing watershed plans and projects, a summary of standards and impairments, source assessments, priority areas for implementation based upon the source assessments, expected load reductions from best management practices (BMPs); existing BMPs; plans for information, education, and outreach; criteria to assess progress; effective monitoring options; and sources of technical and financial assistance. The Regional NPS Watershed Plan references the individual plans to suggest how to approach the watersheds regionally and recommends where to look for information for different watersheds and land cover types.​​​​​